

How To Install Python 3.7 on Ubuntu, Debian & LinuxMint - TecAdmin

How to Install Python 3.7.4 on Ubuntu & LinuxMint. Step by Step instructions to install Python 3.7 on Ubuntu, Debian, and LinuxMint Systems.



$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

$ cd /usr/src
$ sudo wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.9/Python-3.7.9.tgz

$ sudo tar xzf Python-3.7.9.tgz

$ cd Python-3.7.9

$ sudo ./configure --enable-optimizations

$ sudo make altinstall

$ python3.7 -V



이제 python 치면 설치한 파이썬이 실행 하도록 링크를 설정합니다.

$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.7 /usr/local/bin/python


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